In order to get the most of your stay in Lund it is a good idea to plan your transportation around Lund.

Cycling in Lund

Lund is a fairly small town with close to most things so we recommend getting around by bike! In Lund, you can easily rent a bicycle through Lundahoj, where you can, for example, buy a 3-day card. The card costs SEK 25 and can be purchased directly at the bicycle stations with an account or credit card. The first half hour of each bike ride is always free, regardless of the number of rides per day. If you want to continue cycling after 30 minutes, you must return the bike instead, but you can immediately pick up a new one. If the bike is borrowed for more than 30 minutes, it costs SEK 10 for the first half hour, SEK 20 for the second and SEK 40 per half hour for the remaining time.

Local bus in Lund

The most convenient way besides walking or cycling is to take the local green buses that runs at regular intervals throughout the day and evening. To buy a ticket for the buses, the easiest way is to download Skånetrafiken’s App and buy your ticket in it. The buses do not make contact or card payment! You can also buy a ticket at vending machines at the central station or inside one of Skånetrafiken’s Customer Centers or agents. Read more HERE

Parking your car or bus
If you bring your own car to Lund it is important that you follow the signs stating where it is okay to park. In Sweden you often have to pay for parking and if you park where it’s not allowed it is very likely that you get a fine. Around Sparbanken Skåne Arena it is prohibited to park just outside the building. We recommend the newly built parking house Arena Park in the city park! Please ask the Lundaspelen crew for advice in all arenas and schools! For security reasons it is very important that cars don’t block emergency exits. Download the mobile app Mobil, EasyPark or Parkster to buy a pass valid for all days during Lundaspelen.