Important information regarding Lundaspelen 2020

We have very sad news to announce today. Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic we will not be able to accept any foreign teams to Lundaspelen 2020.

This is a very hard decision for us. The soul of Lundaspelen is with the many meetings of young people from all over the world in Lund between Christmas and New Years.

We have tried to find alternatives to be able to accept some international teams but with the current guidelines form the Swedish National Institute for Health (Folkhälsomyndigheten) it is simply not possible this year.

We sincerely apologize for this and hope you and your team will consider coming to Lund next year when we hope the times are different.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this decision do not hesitate to contact us at

What happens now?
Your registration will be cancelled. If you have paid any fees to Lundaspelen they will be refunded withing 21 days from we receive your email to with the information bellow. PLEASE write your ID-number in the subject line.

The following information needs to be included in the email or we will not be able to process your refund.

Contact info
Name of club:
ID Number of club:
Name of contact person:
Phone number of contact person:

Bank account info
IBAN bank account number:
Full name of account holder:
Full address of account holder:
Account holder telephone number:

Kind regards
Lundaspelen Handball